
- - Belgrade
Webinars- Agriculture and Investments in Serbia

Webinars- Agriculture and Investments in Serbia

Almost half of the exports of agricultural products from Serbia are directed to the European Union market. Alignment with EU legislation, especially in the field of food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary standards, would lead to an increase in the quality of food that our citizens consume, as well as to an increase in exports to the EU. The EU has set initial benchmarks for Serbia….

- - Niš
 Online workshop for parents on digital safety of children

Online workshop for parents on digital safety of children

Sometimes it seems that children's lives revolve around their phones and modern technology, which is probably even more pronounced during the pandemic, when social activities were reduced, and everyone spent more time at home. Technology is increasingly becoming a part of our lives. If a child uses the Internet without adult supervision, he or she may be exposed to programs with harmful content, which encourages….

- Niš
Nišville 2020 –  Free program, with a limited number of people

Nišville 2020 – Free program, with a limited number of people

In a changed format and in accordance with the current situation caused by the pandemic, the popular Nisville Jazz Festival will be held in Nis from September 17 to 20. This year, the festival is traditionally supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia.During the four days of the free program, 24 concerts are planned, which will be performed on two stages: Welcome….

- - Belgrade
Webinar - cultural heritage and education

Webinar - cultural heritage and education

The first webinar in this series is dedicated to the European Heritage Days and draws attention to the importance of education in the field of cultural heritage.European Heritage Days are the most famous participatory cultural event shared by citizens across Europe with the aim of raising awareness of the richness of Europe's history and the diversity of its peoples and cultures. This year, European Heritage….

- - Novi Sad
Mental Exercise

Mental Exercise

We invite you to sign up for the online workshop "Mental Health in the Age of COVID", which will be held on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. starting at 6 p.m. The workshop will be led by psychotherapist Suzana Krstic, and more information on the topics to be discussed can be found in the description of events here.Participation in the workshop is free, but the number….

- - Belgrade
Connecting Agenda for the Western Balkans

Connecting Agenda for the Western Balkans

We are pleased to invite you to our third debate in the European Conversations 2.0 series, entitled Connecting Agenda for the Western Balkans - Significance for Serbia. The online debate will take place on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, starting at 11 am.The connection agenda was launched six years ago as part of the Berlin Process. The Energy Community, established in 2006, as well as the….

- - Novi Sad
Are our clothes destroying the planet?

Are our clothes destroying the planet?

We are pleased to invite you to an online panel entitled "Are our clothes destroying the planet?" which will be held on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, starting at 6 p.m.We all wear clothes every day, however, do we rarely think about the consequences that clothes have on our environment?The quantity of clothes bought in Serbia is 80,000 tons per year, while its quality and composition….

- - Novi Sad
Eu Support For Farmers

Eu Support For Farmers

In order to help farmers be more ready to welcome the opening of competitions intended for agriculture, we are organizing two info sessions:The first info session will be dedicated to topics such as: Status of Serbia in relation to donors (emphasis on the EU) EU funds and opportunities Types of projects Method of project preparation (from problem to result) The importance of networkingWhile the other will deal with: EU support and….

- - Novi Sad
Why is science important?

Why is science important?

On the occasion of the upcoming Researchers' Night, we use the opportunity to shed light on this topic once again. Science is a part of our everyday lives, without us always being aware of it.On the other hand, dedication to science and engaging in science requires great investments and sacrifices.Therefore, some of the issues we will address are:How justified are investments in science, in a….

- - Belgrade
Green agenda for Serbia - Circular economy means sustainable future.

Green agenda for Serbia - Circular economy means sustainable future.

Unlike the extractive industrial take-do-discard model that dominates the industrial system, the circular economy seeks to redefine growth, focusing on the positive benefits that preserving products, equipment and infrastructure and their longer use can bring to society. All "waste" is "food" in the circular economy. The circular economy is one of the most important aspects of the European Green Agreement, which was presented by the….

- - Belgrade
Digital Rebel

Digital Rebel

With the webinar "Digital Rebel", which follows the virtual maturation of high school children, we end the cycle of webinars "Digital Immunity - from digital pacifier to digital rebel". At the same time, during the event, we will present the just published Handbook for Media Literacy intended for teachers and professional associates.The event is organized by the EU Info Center in cooperation with the Ministry….

- - Novi Sad
International Mountain Day

International Mountain Day

December 11 is marked as the International Day of Mountains, and on that occasion we are discussing their significance, with the idea of ​​pointing out what we can do to preserve them.Some of the topics we will discuss:What makes our mountains stand out in the botanical sense?What is the significance of mountain plants for man and nature?Are there plants that are a trademark of our….